Monday, October 29, 2012

Levonne Kickstarts her Creativity

I follow a blog written by Levonne Gaddy She is a very talented photographer, writer and artist. She has started a new venture on a site called Kickstarter.

I had never heard of this program or site before Levonne let me know about it. Artists can start a venture on this site, give a synopsis or sample of what they plan to create and then ask people to support the venture if it is something they would like to see come to fruition.

If the artist meets the financial goal they have set by a certain date, anyone who chose to support the project will have their credit card processed. If the artist does not meet the goal set, no one will have anything charged to their card.

Levonne is writing a book, This Restless Life, about her experiences in the California parks, showing photographs she has taken, and then creating collages of her feelings regarding those photos or experiences below the photo. The samples she has given are awesome and the project appears to be a great idea.

With her talent and drive, this could turn out to be a really good artistic adventure. To check out her project, go to this site. She gives a great description and video regarding this venture.

Good Luck Levonne!

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