Saturday, October 27, 2012

It will be a busy November

I have just committed to something I have never done before. I am a procrastinator for sure. For years I have put off writing seriously. I have started many writing projects from children's books, short stories to novels, both fictional and non-fiction, and have them scattered about in notebooks, on different computers, and some just in my mind. Did you notice the word "started" above? That is a big problem for me. I start writing something with a flourish, get interrupted or run out of time, put it away, and don't go back to it.

So this week, I signed up for the challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November with the National Novel Writing Month organization. From what I understand, I have made a commitment to write a novel about anything of my choice and try to write 50,000 words in the  month of November.

At this point I have no idea what I will write about. I have no outline, specific idea, genre, or character in mind. I may take ideas from some of the things I have previously started and mold them into something significant but I believe one of the rules is to start fresh. At this point, I plan to let my muse guide me, and to me that muse is God. With His guidance giving me the ideas and words, and my trust that he will get me to the 50,000 word mark by November 30, this should be a great experience.

So if my blogs are short or far and few between in November, please know that I am still sitting at my computer, but not blogging. If I neglect reading my favorite blogs or commenting on them, please forgive me for these 30 days. I will try to post occasionally with a word count. Any encouragement you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Do you have any ideas for a great novel? Let me know or give me some ideas to throw around in the next four days. I am allowed to outline my ideas prior to November 1.

Thanks for following and commenting on my blogs.