Monday, July 30, 2012

Words that should not have been said

Harsh words flew out of my mouth
In my moment of impatience,
When I was being selfish
Expecting something from another,
With no regard to what he was doing at the moment.

It seemed such an inconsequential request
It would take but a moment
And help me get my task done quicker.

Why was my task more important than his at the very same moment?
Why didn’t I notice that he was doing his own thing at that time,
Wanting to get his done as much as I wanting to be done with mine?

The words stung, were mean
They hurt his pride, his feelings
They can never be taken back.

The hurt will sting for a long time
If I could suck them back in and swallow them now I would
If I could use a Magic Eraser and take away the pain caused I would.

I can’t
I can only apologize

For being selfish
For not being aware
For not being kind
For not being patient
And for uttering words that cut like a sharp knife through the heart of a melon
Only this knife cut through the heart of the person I love most.

I utter these words now with sadness in my heart
For hurting, cutting, stinging

“I’m sorry.
Sorry for saying mean things.
Sorry for hurting you.
Sorry for not being patient or understanding,
and most of all,
sorry for not being a loving person at that moment.”


  1. I struggle with harsh words and negativity a lot.

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself. I hammer people all the time. Feels good Jan. Just as Ken.
