Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is it Clutter or Keepers?

I have been de-cluttering my life this month. My goal is to each day get rid of one box or bag or equivalent of stuff I don’t need any longer, get it out of the house. That could be recycling, tossing, or giving away. So far it has all ben tossing.
It’s amazing the things we hang onto, thinking we will need them some day. 
Clothes that don’t fit, but maybe someday will??? (Not likely…and they won’t be in style when or if they ever do). I hold onto the dress I wore at my daughter’s wedding because it is so beautiful and I looked so pretty in it that day. That was over 15 years ago. I don’t fit into it, don’t have occasion to wear it anywhere, yet it takes space in my closet.
Knickknacks from when we were first married. A few months ago I almost tossed a Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus figurine set that winds up and plays “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” I had it ready to go in the trash when my emotional reasoning kicked in….”It was the first Christmas ornament I bought when we were married. It also says, “Made in Japan” on the bottom. Does that make it special?”  Santa has a crack in his head from being dropped. So there it is in the box it came in, sitting in the basement, almost out to the trash, but not quite yet.
We get attached to things emotionally. Like the Santa figurine above. It holds memories of days in my past. Those knick knacks hold happy memories of two 18 year old kids decorating together for their first married Christmas. For years we wound up that Santa to hear him play, then the kids enjoyed winding it up to listen. It hasn’t been out for years now since it is cracked. But the memories are still there.
So why do I have to hang onto it if the memories are there? If I don’t see it, will I never remember again that I had it? Will all those glistening moments be gone forever? Of course not! But seeing it reminds me.
There are other treasures in my life that I have a hard time parting with. The wristwatch I received from my parents when I graduated. It is so pretty with the little diamond next to the face of the clock, the silver band meshed together so delicately. I haven’t worn it in years, and I don’t think it even works. But I earned it! I worked hard to get good grades in school, to please my parents and myself. That was my reward. So without it, does that mean I didn’t graduate, didn’t work hard for my grades? Of course not!
Memories are made each day. Items purchased for special occasions or received as gifts remind us. It isn’t the items that create the memories. It is the people and activities that took place on that day or that special occasion.
My family has created so many memories, good and bad, for me. I don’t have them around me all the time yet I can remember those times. My friends and I have created memories. We’ve done some fun things, some crazy things, and dealt with the ugly together. Sometimes I don’t see my friends for months or years, yet I still have those memories.
So now, while de-cluttering my life, I am refreshing memories, reliving moments in my head. I can toss these items, knowing that I won’t forget the old times.
But some things, very special to me, I will hold onto tightly, cherishing them. Their value to me is irreplaceable. I will not let them go until I have to, until I have no choice in the matter. When I release them, they will go to a better home.  In the meantime, I plan to relish them, care for them, and spend time with them. Those precious things are my family and friends. They are the things that will never clutter my life, but will always add value, memories and good times.
Okay, Santa, you’re outta here. Same for you watch. And wedding day gown….someone else might need you. I think I may take pictures of the items I have a hard time parting with. I can store them in a file called “Memories or Treasures”. If I need to jog my memory I can always go back and look at them. But I doubt I will do that often.


  1. Taking pictures make the removal one step easier. As I sort things I have been putting them into the garage. It is getting full. One of these days, when the weather is nice I will get them organized and priced for the yard sale, or toss them for good. I figure one round of garage sale and or flea market and what ever is left can either go to Goodwill or the dump. A lot has already gone there.

  2. I went through rooms 3-4 times. Each time something I thought I needed, I got rid of. Some things take time to let them go. At the end, it feels great to have less stuff.
