Friday, January 9, 2015

Just One More Time

My grandson is a special person. I know, we all think that about our kids and grandkids. But he is. I even nicknamed him “Special A” several years ago.

Aaron is a sensitive, caring young man, now 13, who worries about people and events around him. He has a special way about him and it shows.

His belief in God is evident. His goodness and sweetness comes through each day. Quiet by nature, he is a thinker, a philosopher, and a gentle hearted boy.

Before Christmas, his guitar teacher helped him learn several Christmas tunes to play for both sides of his family at each family celebration on Christmas Eve. This is the second year he has done this. Both times he did well and made us all proud of him and his abilities.

Last year, he had a college student teaching him. Right after Christmas, Aaron found out Nate would not be able to continue as his teacher.

Along came a little bit older man named Joe. He and Aaron hit it off and Aaron enjoyed his lessons and new teacher. I saw a big improvement in Aaron’s talent. The songs he played on Christmas Eve were more difficult than last year. Aaron exhibited more confidence.

Once again, Aaron looked forward to telling his instructor about his family performance. He was proud of himself and rightfully so.

Due to the holidays, Aaron’s first lesson of 2015 was to be last night, Thursday, Jan. 8.

But once again, he won’t be able to tell his teacher how things went. You see, Joe died unexpectedly of an aneurysm on Sunday.

Yesterday Aaron was home from school due to the cold weather. He said he is so sad and just keeps waiting to go to his lesson to have fun with Joe. He said, “I keep wishing I could tell him about the Christmas concert. I just wish I could have had one more lesson with him.”

Aaron told me Joe always had a positive attitude and Joe believed he  could be really good. He says he will always remember Joe.

Aaron is inspired to prove Joe right and says he is going to try his best.

“Joe, if you can see this, I want to thank you for being a good influence in my grandson’s life.

Thank you for believing in Aaron. You are right – Aaron does have the ability to be really good.

And one more thing, Joe – Aaron gave a GREAT Christmas Concert in 2014.”

1 comment:

  1. so sad to think that your grandson's mentor's time is is not fair in the least!...:(
