Friday, November 9, 2012

Sugar is not always so Sweet

(After reading this post you will know why there are no cute pics to go with it.)
So It is a sunny, fairly warm day today. I had a vehicle here with me at work (Ken and I carpool usually) so I decide I will go home to let Sugar play in the backyard at lunch. Afterwards, I will bring her to work to visit her friends for the afternoon because I have had several requests to bring her in.

 I get her out of her Sugar Shack and grab her ball. Out we go, down the deck steps and into the backyard. She fetches and returns the ball several times then decides to just sit. I fetch the ball and throw it in the opposite direction. She runs for it and then stops. She notices a scent in the grass that appeals to her and decides to roll in it. Rolling in the grass is one of her favorite things. I watch for a minute or two while she continues to roll, get up, sniff, and then roll some more.

Finally, I am ready to play ball again so I go over to her and grab her ball. When I get close to her, I realize she was not just rolling in grass. Yes, you guessed it! She was rolling in poo(p).

Oh no, my fun lunchtime with Sugar and then happy visit to work is now ruined. I tell her to go on the deck, which luckily she does. Another stroke of luck, I had a towel draped over the sliding glass door handle to wipe her feet. But I am definitely not going to wipe her feet with it this time. I have to snatch her up in it and wrap her so I don’t get covered with poo.

Up the steps we go to the bathroom. I lock her in there while I go strip out of my work clothes, knowing I will be soaked by the time this ordeal is over. I return and her bath water has filled. In she goes. I scrub and scrub between gagging over the smell of her. I think we must have had a cow grazing in our backyard.

Finally I get her bathed, I blow dry her, hoping that still she could go to work with me. She is looking pretty good and is almost dry. Okay, I think I’ll try taking her to work. But first I’ll take her out to the front yard to go before I put her in the truck.

We walk a few houses up so she gets the urge, but alas, no she doesn’t. She does start sniffing in the grass again and guess what she finds? You guessed. Poo(p). She scoops it up in her mouth (OH GROSS SUGAR) and I have to retrieve it because she is not going to drop this.

Back to the house we go to clean her up again. Guess what? She didn’t come back to work with me. She is in the Sugar Shack again.


  1. Oh Yuk! Some of the most beautiful creatures love the most dreadful things... butterflies and dogs love poop. Kinda makes a person wonder.....
